
Curatorial Exhibitions and Projects

sice 2023 Sponsoring of artists' books and projects

2022 Ungewollt schwanger. Der Paragraf und ich [accidentally pregnant: the law and me], protagonist in the 3-part dokumentary about the German abortion laws by Luzia Schmid, zero one film.
First broadcast 23.11.2022/rbb (3x 90min).

2022 as part of Manifesta 14, curated by Catherine Nichols, Presentation of exhibition/archive project re.act.feminism (with Dr. Bettina Knaup) in Pristina, Kosovo

2021 as part of the exhibition '... oder kann das weg? Fallstudien zur Nachwende (...is this disposable? Post-unification related case studies)', 16.09.-7.11.2021, Conversation and exhibition participation regarding "Ausserhalb von Mittendrin (outside of in the midst of it)", 1991 with Anna Voswinckel and Gabriele Stötzer, 27.10.2021, , see also ngbk Wissensspeicher, entry "DDR" (in German).

2019 Talk: re.act.feminism #2 - a performing archive 2011 - 2014 plus selected film from the archive
Festival GEGENKino Leipzig, Schaubühne Lindenfels, 18.04.2019

2018 Ulrich Baehr - Märkische Landschaft mit Unterholz
- travelling exhibition
Schloss Ribbeck, 10.3.-21.5
Schloss Lübben, 25.3-27.5
Kunstplatz Lychen, 2.9. - 14.10.
Galerie Villa Köppe, Berlin-Grunewald, 19.10. - 23.11.
Museum Schloß Doberlug, 28.10.2018 - 10.3.2019
- Opening talk (in German) PDF download here

2017 Project concept "With Attitude – Feminist Dialogues" Dialogue Talks – Oral History – Performance – Lectures 1968/2018 (with Kaj Osteroth)

2016 lecture "re.act.feminism#2 – a performing archive" on the issue of archive exhibitions in museums
Künstlerhaus Graz, Halle für Kunst und Medien

2015-2019 work with Iranian-German artist Yadegar Asisi

since 2014 art consulting

2011-2013 re.act.feminism # 2 – a performing archive
Travelling exhibition 2011-2013 in six European countries showing 180 artists (with Bettina Knaup). Managed by cross links e.V., Berlin.

2009 und jetzt – Künstlerinnen aus der DDR
Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin (with Angelika Richter / Bettina Knaup). Artists: Tina Bara, Annemirl Bauer, Else Gabriel, Angela Hampel, Verena Kyselka, Christine Schlegel, Cornelia Schleime, Gundula Schulze Eldowy, Gabriele Stötzer, Erika Stürmer-Alex, Ramona Welsh, Karla Woisnitza

2008/2009 re.act.feminism – performance art of the 1960s and 70s today
exhibition, video archive, live-performance, conference. Managed by cross links e.V., Akademie der Künste, Berlin (with Bettina Knaup).
International exhibition and performance project devoted to early performance art from the 1960s and 70s inspired by feminism and its current resurgence in form of appropriation, re-enactments, dokumentary and archival projects. Artists: Tanja Bruguera (CU), Colette (USA), Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen (DK), Disband (USA), Yingmei Duan (CN), VALIE EXPORT (A), Sanja Ivekovic (HR), Elena Kovylina (RUS), Suzanne Lacy and Leslie Labowitz (USA), Nathalia LL (PL), Marta Minujin (ARG), Yoko Ono (JAP/USA), Tanja Ostojic (YU/D), Ewa Partum (PL/D), Adrian Piper (USA), Boryana Rossa (BG), Ulrike Rosenbach (D), Andrea Saemann (CH), Cornelia Sollfrank (D), Faith Wilding (USA) and others.
further venues 2009: Galerie im Kunsthaus Erfurt, Association for the Promotion of Women in Culture, City of Women, Ljubljana

2008 Renata Tumarova
Lichtspiele, Kant-Praxis Kurfürstendamm Berlin

2008 Ulrich Baehr - Märkische Landschaft
KunstHaus Potsdam

2006 Harald Gnade - mimesis
St. Matthäus Kirche Berlin-Tiergarten, catalogue (Ed.) mit ars momentum Kunstverlag, 128 S. (German / English)

2005 Shirin Neshat
Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum für Gegenwart. Berlin (with Britta Schmitz and Catherine Nichols), photography: Women of Allah, film: Rapture, Mahdokht, Zarin, Ed.: catalogue 152 p.. (German / English) Hamburger Bahnhof web archive

2005 Ulrich Baehr - Das 20. Jahrhundert
St. Matthäus Kirche Berlin-Tiergarten, on the occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the end of World War Two, catalogue (Ed.); travelling to: Kulturforum im FFFZ, Düsseldorf, 2005; Emsdettener Kunstverein, 2006

2003 project management of exhibition: Louise Bourgeois - Intime Abstraktionen
Akademie der Künste, Berlin (with Kathrin Becker). 22 sculptures, 93 drawings, sound installation, Ed.: catalogue 224 p.. (German / English) AdK web-archive

2000 International Women's University (Ifu)
'Technology and Culture' with worldwide projects of EXPO 2000, Hannover
Funded by: BMB+F, BMZ (Bundesministerien), Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Berlin, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Bonn, DAAD a.o. 900 young scientists from 115 countries were offered an international, multimedial, postgraduate study (in English) for three months in Hannover on research topics: BODY, INFORMATION, WATER, CITY, WORK, MIGRATION.
Art and Culture programme of ifu's open space programme with 200 artists and curators, with amongst others: Maria Thereza Alves, Stella Chiweshe, Chrystos, Catherine David, Coco Fusco, Adrienne Goehler, Gülsün Karamustafa, Ida Kelarová, Yu Yeon Kim, Tyyne Claudia Pollmann, Esther Shalev-Gerz, Tiharea, Faith Wilding, Elsa Wolliaston.

1998-1999 crossLinks
Intermedial exhibition project with 11 artists: Annette Begerow, Kirsten Geisler, Bettina Hoffmann, Christin Lahr, Dörte Meyer, Ellen Nonnenmacher, Christina Perincioli, Elisa Rose, Cornelia Sollfrank, Gabriele Stellbaum, Andrea Sünder-Plassmann. Media showroom and video section, Galerie im Marstall, Berlin (with Kathrin Becker), catalogue 112 p.. (German / English)

1996 Elke Lixfeld
horn+stammer art management: in der Berliner Bank, Kochstrasse Berlin

1995 Zehn aus Moskau
horn+stammer art management: im Haus der Wissenschaft und Kultur der russischen Föderation, mit Bredero Deutschland GmbH, Fundus Fonds-Verwaltungen GmbH, FriedrichstadtPassagen, Quartier 206

1995 Ulrich Baehr - KranZeit
horn+stammer art management: with Senatsverwaltung für Bau- und Wohnungswesen, Berlin, Dr. Peter und Isolde Kottmair GbR, CEDC American Business Center, Checkpoint Charlie KG, Unternehmensgruppe Roland Ernst, catalogue.

1995 Moskau meets Berlin
horn+stammer art management: contemporary Russian artists in company premises between the newly developed Friedrichstraße and Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin.
Parallel to the exhibition of Berliner Festspiele: Berlin-Moskau / Moskau-Berlin.
with amongst others AES, Vladimir Kuprianov, Boris Mihailov, Vadim Fishkin, Natalia Turnova.

1993 Gabriele Münter 1877-1962 Retrospektive
travelling from Lenbachhaus, München and Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt. Staatliche Kunsthalle Berlin and NGBK. 200 paintings, drawings and prints. Catalogue, 300 p..

1993 evening length TV programme on: Wolfgang Max Faust
arte TV. Interview with seminal German art critic, curaor and author WM Faust

1993 Liz Bachhuber (USA)
NGBK and Kunstverein Lingen, catalogue

1992 Peter Mönnig - panic et circenses
Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst, Berlin and Palazzo Imperiale, Goethe-Institut Genua, catalogue, 32 p.. (German / Italian) with a text by Peter Weibel.

1992 Hans Scheuerecker
NGBK and Brandenburgische Kunstsammlungen Cottbus, catalogue

1992 International Women Artists Project "MISSING"
part of exhibition 37 Räume, Berlin-Mitte. 37 international curators present ideas and concepts about contemporary art, in public spaces without current designated uses, with amongst others Art in Ruins, Wolfgang Max Faust, Bojana Pejic, Aura Rosenberg.
In squatted building Auguststraße 4 with more than 70 artists, special guest: Yoko Ono. With amongst others: Murshida Arzu Alpana, Helen Chadwick, Colette, Die Damen, Cecilia Edelfalk, Helen Escobedo, VALIE EXPORT, Melissa Gould, Sally Guttierrez, Svetlana Kopistiansky, Ana Lupas, Gudrun von Maltzan, Marisa Maza, Annette Messager, Jana Milev, Ulrike Ottinger, Eun Nim Ro, Hella von Sinnen, Nancy Spero, Sylvia de Swaan, catalogue 80 p..

1992 /1993 Kunst statt Werbung Art on underground station U-Bahnhof Alexanderplatz
with participation of 32 artists (with Bildungswerk des Berufsverbandes Bildender Künstler) 1992; (with NGBK) 1993.

1991 Außerhalb von Mittendrin
Intermedia women artists project as part of the cultural agreement between East and West Germany with 200 women artists from the GDR, funded by the Bundesministerium für Innerdeutsche Beziehungen.
Presentation of 5-year research on art and culture in the GDR in the areas of visual art (Beatrice Stammer), film (Annette Eckert), theater / music (Dr. Barbara Beck), literature (Merve Lowien), video (Mona Setter), Neues Kunstquartier Ackerstraße, Veranstaltungszelt and Filmkunstkino Arsenal, Berlin, Catalogue (3 Vols.), 370 p.

1991 Station Rose - Gunafa 2000
1. Cyberspace-Project in Berlin with Internet-conference-link to San Francisco, NGBK, catalogue.

1989 Via Lewandowsky - 'Sie können nichts schreien hören.' Eight portraits on euthanasia
Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst, catalogue 32 p. First solo exhibition of Dresden-based artist in West-Berlin.

1989 Zwischenspiele - 43 junge Künstlerinnen und Künstler aus der DDR
Künstlerhaus Bethanien and Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst, Berlin
Organiser: Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst and Verband Bildender Künstler der DDR.
Results from 3-year long research; painting drawing, installation, objects, photography, sculpture and performance by the young, often dissenting generation, event programme with actions, readings, lectures.
The exhibition coincided with the fall of the Berlin Wall. Participating artists who had initially not been granted permission to attend the opening by the East German authorities were able to travel to West-Berlin. With amongst others: Kurt Buchwald, Else Gabriel, Rainer Görsz, Angela Hampel, Sabine Herrmann, Jörg Knöfel, Via Lewandowsky, Hanns Schimansky, Gundula Schulze, Trak Wendisch, Karla Woisnitza, Ornament und Verbrechen. Catalogue, 200 pages. A first attempt to bridge Feminist art production.

1989 1789-1989 / Zweihundert Jahre Französische Revolution
Freunde der Staatlichen Kunsthalle Berlin, with catalogue.

1989 Metallkunst aus der DDR
with Zentrum für Kunstausstellungen der DDR and Staatliche Kunsthalle Berlin. Haus der Kulturen der Welt, with catalogue. Artists Andreas Freyer, Irmtraud Ohme, Christian Roehl and others.

1988 Antonio Dias
Staatliche Kunsthalle Berlin and DAAD, Berlin, with catalogue

1987 Diego Rivera / Retrospektive, Fotografien von Tina Modotti
Staatliche Kunsthalle Berlin, travelling from: Detroit Institute of Arts and Museo del Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexiko-City, 180 pieces from all work periods, catalogue, 225 S.

1987 Momentaufnahme
artists selections by Heinz Ohff, Eberhard Roters, Dieter Ruckhaberle and Wieland Schmied, Staatliche Kunsthalle Berlin. 1989 in Künstlerhaus Wien. With catalogue (4 Vols.). Occasion of 750th Anniversary Celebrations of Berlin.

1986 - 87 Stadtsichten: Berlin / New York Exchange
Part I, Berlin, Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst and in urban space, 1986,
Part II, New York, Storefront Gallery for Art and Architecture and in urban space, 1987
in collaboration with Goethe House New York
Conceptual use of urban spaces by 6 Berlin-based and 6 New Yorker-based artists in sound, image, installation, performance after 2-monh residencies, with: David Blair, John Fekner, Guy Martin, Ann Messner, Penelope Wehrli, Arnold Dreyblatt, and others, catalogue 24 pages.

1986 Gegenlicht - 60 Jahre GEDOK
Junilee exhibition of GEDOK uand Staatliche Kunsthalle Berlin, catalogue
a.o. with Gisela Breitling, Elfie Fröhlich, Monika Funke-Stern, Sarah Haffner, Anne Jud, Evelyn Kuwertz, Gerda Leopold, Ursula Querner, Angelik Riemer, Heike Ruschmeyer, Ebba Sakel, Cornelia Schleime, Susanne Wehland, Malgruppe “WeibsBilder”

1986 Gernot Bubenik
Staatliche Kunsthalle Berlin, catalogue

1985 Manfred Henkel
Staatliche Kunsthalle Berlin and Colloquium Verlag, catalogue

1985 Rudolf Bauer und Peggy Guggenheim
Staatliche Kunsthalle Berlin travelling from: Museum des 20. Jahrhunderts, Wien, catalogue.

1984 - 1985 Manfred Henninger Retrospektive 1919 -1984
Schloss Ettlingen, Staatliche Kunsthalle Berlin, catalogue

1984 Kunst und Medien
Juried exhibition of artists seeking access to new media, Staatliche Kunsthalle Berlin and Bundesverband Bildender Künstler, Bonn, wit: Ingo Günther, Monika Funke-Stern, OECD New York, Benoît Maubrey, Annegret Soltau, Norbert Stück, and others, catalogue with writings on Media Theory, 268 pages.

1982 Unbeachtete Produktionsformen
Production of the everyday, invisible stages, actions, theater, performance programme with international female artists, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, NGBK, with catalogue.